Pacific Northwest Leathermen’s Campout

A Portland area annual 3-day/3-night weekend camping retreat

Thursday, July 31st - Sunday, August 3rd, 2025

Rules and Etiquette

Pacific Northwest Leathermen’s Campout is about creating a friendly, non-judgmental environment where you can explore your leather, kink, fetish and BDSM desires with safety, consent and sex-positivity. We believe in social cohesion, a civil society, personal responsibility and a culture of mutual respect.

This is a private event held in a non-public space for registered attendees only.

  • We reserve the right to refuse admittance to anyone for any reason.
  • We reserve the right to eject anyone from the premises for ignoring the rules or engaging in unsafe, exploitative, illegal, or non-consensual behavior of any kind.
  • The Dungeon Monitor’s (DM’s) rule is law. There is no appeal process.
    Dungeon Monitor’s will be on duty wearing a yellow safety vest to enforce the dungeon rules, monitor risk-aware play, answer questions and help facilitate dungeon safety. Please be courteous to any DM that may interrupt or stop your scene and follow their instructions.
  • Be patient and courteous with everyone. Many volunteers may not have all the answers. Be respectful of your fellow attendees as we are all doing our best.
    PNWLC attendees are friendly folks, many are happy to strike up a conversation with strangers. But we all get into a funk at times.  If you’re not having fun, change your circumstances. Consider one of the following: Move to a different space/area. Take a walk. Get some air. Grab a snack. Drink some water. Head back to your room, tent or RV and take a little nap.  Whatever works for you. 


We want you to have a great time while you’re attending Pacific Northwest Leathermen’s Campout. Here are some ways you can help to foster a safe, sane and consensual sex-positive playing environment.

A Cup of Tea and Consent (2:49 minute YouTube video)

Consent continued…

Do you prefer to Top, versatile or bottom?

  • It’s respectful to ask, even if you’ve seen someone playing before in one of the positions. If you only feel comfortable playing one way, say so upfront.

Words matter

  • Don’t use racist, homophobic, transphobic or ableist language. Respect pronouns.

It’s okay to say no

  • “No” is always a valid answer if someone asks you to play, just remember to politely and respectfully decline. And you don’t need to give a reason. You can also stop playing at any time.

If someone tells you no

  • Respect the decision and ask someone else.
  • No one is obliged to play with you just because you asked.
  • Do not take offense or take it personally if someone is not interested in playing with you, you don’t know their headspace. There could be any number of reasons for them saying no to you.

Respect boundaries

  • Everyone’s boundaries are different. If anyone says you are making them uncomfortable, respect their personal space.


  • Some people like to touch others when interacting. If you’re uncomfortable, tell them. Just because someone is enjoying being touched by you doesn’t mean they’ve consented to more than that.

Let us know right away

  • If you feel that someone is making you uncomfortable, please find and tell one of the PNWLC committee members or Dungeon Monitor’s at that moment so they can rectify the situation.


THE PNWLC Board wants everyone attending the Campout to feel safe and have fun at the event. In order to maximize that possibility for everyone, please read and respect the following safety notes.


  • The PNWLC Campout Event may include many different types of men, including, for example, transgendered men, older men, younger inexperienced men, some newly out men, men of differing body types and men of different ethnic backgrounds. It is important for the success of the event and the safety of each participant that no participant engages in any form of intentional shaming, harassment or teasing based on another participant’s bodily participation, whether clothed or naked. 
  • Inclusion does not mean that any participant is required to engage in play with any other participant or in any particular type of play against their will. If you are asked to participate in something or with someone you would rather not engage in or with, simply say “No, thank you”.  Similarly, if someone you ask to engage says “No, thank you,” please respect that and do not persist.
  • If the PNWLC Board learns of any such non-consensual or harming behavior, the person(s) engaging in the behavior will be discreetly approached and pulled to the side to discuss and hopefully remedy the issue. If their behavior persists, they will be asked to leave the event without refund or the possibility to re-enter.

Sexual kink play

  • If you choose to engage in kink play of any type, please discuss with your partner in advance of the play how you will signify to your partner if you wish to discontinue the play for any reason.  Similarly, if your partner signifies that he wishes to discontinue the play for any reason, please do so promptly.  Failure to respect the partner’s wishes to discontinue play may be cause for the PNWLC Board to ask you to leave the event.

Drugs and physical fighting

  • The use of illegal drugs or physical fighting outside of consensual play, will not be tolerated and anyone found to be engaging in either of these activities will be asked to leave immediately without any refund.

Dungeon areas

  • Respect the play spaces. You are responsible for cleaning up the area and equipment used immediately following a completed scene with the appropriate cleaning materials provided from the sanitation stations making it ready for the next attendee to use after you have completed your scene. Trash can be disposed of in the trash cans provided.
  • Play stations are a first-come-first-serve and do not have time limits. However, if someone is waiting for the play station, please do not start a new scene.
  • Never attempt to join or interrupt anyone’s play without prior permission from everyone involved. If you feel a scene needs to be stopped, bring your concern to a Dungeon Monitor (DM) and/or Command Base.
  • Please inform the Dungeon Monitor (DM) or Command Base before beginning any potentially loud, disruptive, offensive and/or messy scene. This will make sure your scene doesn’t get interrupted.
  • Please refrain from wearing cologne, heavy scents or heavy scented deodorant.
  • Condoms and lube samples will be available in the play areas to encourage safer sex.
  • All beverages (including alcohol) must be in non-breakable containers. You are responsible for your drinking behavior. Any disruptive or inappropriate alcohol behavior will be dealt with by the PNWLC committee members on a case-by-case situation with the possibility of you being asked to leave the event with no refund.
  • No illegal recreational substances may be used within the play spaces or at the event. If you are discovered to be using ANY recreational substances (other than marijuana) you will be asked to immediately leave the event with no refund given and banned from attending future PNWLC events.
  • No firearms of any kind (real, replica, toy, antique or fantasy/roleplay) allowed at the event or on the property.


  • Again, please respect the play spaces. You are responsible for CLEANING UP AFTER YOURSELF.
  • Please do not adjust the lights, music/stereo equipment, thermostats, or any other electronics.  If there is an issue with any of these, please notify a Dungeon Monitor (DM) and/or Command Base.
  • If additional lighting is needed for a scene, discuss it with a Dungeon Monitor (DM).

Dungeon Etiquette 

  • The event safewords are “Red” or “Safeword” to stop a scene. A physical visual safeword is required for play involving gags (example: have them hold something in their hands and if they drop it, it means stop what you are doing and check in with them).
    Check out the article Kink 101: Red, Yellow, Green and Why Safewords Are Important
  • Never attempt to join or interrupt anyone’s play or scene without prior permission from everyone involved.
  • Feel free to socialize with anyone you like but please be polite and respectful when approaching or interacting.
  • We recommend the practice of safer sex, however we will not police your sex and assume that you are an adult and can make that decision for yourself.
  • Non-intrusive voyeurism is welcome and appreciated, as long as it does not disturb the play or scene being watched. Spectators must always give players their required space, even if it means leaving the play area they are using.
  • We highly encourage using proper safe, sane and consensual negotiation before starting a scene with someone and the use of safe words during your scene.
  • The attendees at this event vary widely in experience and styles of play. Don’t be quick to judge the play of others based on your own experience or style.
  • If you don’t know, ask. Dungeon Monitors and Command Base are available to answer any questions you might have.

Play Equipment

  • Do not sit or leave your toys on the playing surfaces or equipment unless you are playing there.
  • If you want to use an unfamiliar piece of equipment, DO NOT GUESS OR USE.  Ask the Dungeon Monitor (DM) or Command Base for assistance.
  • Do not move any large dungeon equipment without permission and help from the Dungeon Monitor (DM).
  • Completely remove all your toys and objects used in a scene from the equipment and space when finished with your scene.
  • Make sure all equipment used and the space is cleaned following a completed scene with the appropriate cleaning materials provided from the sanitation stations making it ready for the next attendee to use after you have completed your scene. Trash can be disposed of in the trash cans provided.

Scenes With Fire/Blood Play/Breath Play/Edge Play

  • For safety, Fire Play, Blood Play, Breath Play and Edge Play scenes will not be permitted at this event.

Scenes With Temporary Piercing Needle Play

  • You must ask a Dungeon Monitor (DM) or Command Base before doing any temporary piercing needle play. Any players being pierced must provide and use a sharps container before you begin your scene.
  • All body fluids must be contained within your play area. Protect the dungeon equipment and floors from fluids with the use of your own provided towels, chucks, plastic wrap, etc.
  • Anything that may have body fluids on it should be cleaned and disposed of following a completed scene using the appropriate cleaning materials provided from the sanitation stations. DO NOT leave anything with body fluids on it laying around or available for others to come into contact with. Trash can be disposed of in the trash cans provided.

Smart Phones, Photography and/or Recording Devices

  • For the purposes of privacy, no smart phones or recording devices are allowed in the dungeon play space areas, outdoor areas or during the entire PNWLC event except inside your own tent, inside your own RV or in your own room, with consent from everyone in frame.
  • Anyone found to be in violation of this rule will be asked to immediately leave the event after deleting filmed content from device(s), and they will be denied entry to all future PNWLC events.



Mr. S Leather
Cockeye Kink

Eagle Bar Portland, OR

FFäusten Lube


Wet® Lubricants

PNWLC Cellphone Usage Rules:

No cellphones or recording devices are allowed during the entire PNWLC event except in your own room, inside your own tent or RV with consent from everyone in frame. Anyone found to be in violation of this rule will be asked to immediately leave the event after deleting filmed content from device(s) with no refund, and they be will denied entry to all future PNWLC events.

Exception: Only designated PNWLC committee members and medical personnel, while on duty, are permitted to have their cellphone discreetly on them during the event.

About the Committee

Pacific Northwest Leathermen’s Campout (PNWLC) is an 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by a committee of volunteers. All committee meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend.


How to Contact Us

For more information or questions, please email us at

PNWLC is an 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by a committee of volunteers.

For up-to-date information
about PNWLC events:

Join our Facebook group
or follow us on X

For the Facebook Group, you will need to answer a few basic questions to join. We generally approve new members within a day or so.